The latest State of the Environment report is available for public viewing on the Department of Environment and Energy website. The 2016 report is much broader and builds on the previous reports. Two of the many key findings include statements
2006 State of the Environment Report
The Department of Environment and Energy released it’s 2006 environment report for public viewing. The summary of the reports it’s main findings centred around the impact that humans, and in particular their development of Australia has had since European colonisation.
Targeted Tree Risk Assessments for Schools
We’ve had a growing client base of schools that have found their previous Arboricultural services unsatisfactory. The main reason for this seems to be reports that fail to accurately identify risks, and secondly fail to recommend works appropriate to the
Exciting Service Expansion
Victorian Vegetation Management has been joining forces and expanding our business to include an even wider range of services. We are pleased to now offer Bushfire Management Statements, Biodiversity reports and Drafting services – and much more! Visit our home
Elm Leaf Beetle Spraying Service: 2017 season has begun
Well it’s been a wet and windy start to the 2017 spring season in the Yarra Valley, and it has been predicted to be a bumper season for the Elm Leaf Beetle. If you have trees that have been previously
Upper Yarra Firewood
It’s that time of year again, bush wood for sale! $100/m split $90/m unsplit We supply the Yarra Valley and surrounds.
Cypress Canker Treatment
Victorian Vegetation Management can help manage cypress canker by spraying them with systemic fungicide.This treatment has proven successful in many cases. The results vary according to the extent of the infection and the overall health of the trees. Victorian Vegetation
Arboricultural Reports Melbourne
Victorian Vegetation Management now offers arborist reports to Melbourne Arborist Reports Yarra Ranges Arboricultural Reports Yarra Valley Tree Assessments Dandenong Ranges Arborist Reports Contact Brett Robin to talk about our reporting options for tree management and arboricultural reports.
Elm Leaf Beetle Chemical Free Solutions
Many owners of Elm Trees want to know how to treat Elm Leaf Beetle without using chemicals, turning to more Organic Elm Leaf Beetle controls. The Elm Leaf Beetle controls often used like: Elm Leaf Beetle Spray Treatments Elm Leaf
Blackberry Control
Blackberry is an invasive weed that should be carefully managed in order to maintain quality of land, and its usability for farming and recreation. We use a range of organic herbicides, chemical controls and techniques such as slashing, uprooting, and